
There are five courses on the matrixing portion of this path that I am presenting. This includes a complete introduction to the science of matrixing, three specific and complete martial arts, and a complete description of the physics of the universe.


This course lays out the basic tools of matrixing. You will learn how to see the missing pieces, the ‘blank spaces’ in every art, and you will learn a complete art, Matrix Karate, that has no ‘missing pieces,’ and is in the right and logical order. Course includes two DVDs and a book on CD (PDF). You will learn such things as ‘the circle of blocks,’ ‘the matrix of blocks,’ logical methods of freestyle that will increase your ability to fight a year for every month you study. To learn more about this course and art click on Matrix Karate.


I had a lot of people telling me that matrixing wouldn’t work, so I put together a matrix of Aikido, then taught it in a seminar. I took four students and taught them Aikido in an hour and a half. Within an hour and a half they were throwing each other around effortlessly. It wasn’t classical aikido, but it was VERY workable Aikido, and could be plugged into ANY other martial art. Which is to say once you learn Aikido, you could be doing karate, or Kung Fu, and suddenly translate your movements into locks and throws. In this course I first present the concept of learning not by technique, but by concept. Instead of learning thousands of branches, I show you where the trunk is and you are suddenly able to create the thousands of branches. To learn more about this course and art click on Matrix Aikido.


After doing Matrix Aikido I realized that there was a need to help people polish the techniques they were creating. Further, there had to be more explanation, as people were stumbling across concepts and weren’t able to understand them. I put together Matrix Kung Fu, and it is the first actual Monkey Boxing Course. It goes through the body, a part at a time, and analyzes EXACTLY how to do grab arts. This was an interestingly little exercise which taught me how to write more graphs on matrixing, including my first break throughs on understanding time, what it actually is, and how to use it. To learn more about this course and art click on Matrix Kung Fu.


This is the first and only martial arts course int he world to completely and accurately describe the physics of the martial arts. It is not a difficult course, and it results in a person knowing how to make ANY self defense technique work, and to understand the seven secrets of perfect form. Your art will transform into perfection, and you will be showed when you discover that the so called ‘masters’ of the martial arts actually have bad form…and don’t even know it. I first wrote this course in 2007, and since that time NOBODY has ever found ANY fault with this course. Furthermore, EVERYBODY who has ordered the course has agreed that they have never seen this material in ANY other martial art. To learn more about this course and art click on The Master Instructor Course.


One of the things I originally claimed was that Matrixing could help a person learn a martial art up to ten times faster. I had people using Matrixing not only in the martial arts, but in work, in school, and in all the various facets of life, and who reported massive wins, and that what I was saying was true. But there were still people who didn’t believe me. So, as I did in Matrix Aikido, I decided to prove it. I took a fellow and taught him Matrix Karate. In three months he qualified for a black belt. I filmed the whole course, and here it is. 119 video segments, the easy and straight forward path to black belt in karate. Actual video proof that Matrixing works! To learn more about this course and art click on The Black Belt Course.

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